Who am I? Business Advisor, Independent business consultant, Corporate trainer, Angel investor, Entrepreneur, University lecturer, World traveller

Founder and Chief Consultant of Decisive Consulting Ltd, co-founder and partner of Dark Horse Investment focusing on technology start-ups, and advisors for various companies.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dominic speaks fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin, basic French and Japanese. Studied at Victoria College, Jersey, Channel Islands. In 1989, Dominic received Queen's Medal for Mathematics presented by Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II. He did engineering at Cambridge University (Trinity College) and obtained BA, MA and PhD degrees. After spending over 12 years in UK, he returned and witnessed Hong Kong returning to the motherland. He was a management consultant with McKinsey and Co., he led technology companies in VoIP, e-commerce solution, mobile, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) systems and e-learning. He was the co-CEO of a-connect (China), a consulting staffing firm.
At leisure, he likes to strike a balanced lifestyle. Dominic loves travelling, outdoor activities, good food, reading, movies and organic farming. He is the founder of the leisure site Leglessbird.com.
陳志邦博士, 洋名 Dominic, 生於香港, 長於香港, 年幼時就讀蘇浙幼稚園及小學共八年, 因此能說流利的普通話。十四歲時有幸到英國的英倫海峽群島澤西島維多利亞書院唸高中, 渡過了非常愉快的四年寄宿生活, 在 1989 年獲得英女皇親自頒發女皇數學金章獎, 其後在劍橋大學修讀工程系, 隸屬三一學院, 八年內獲頒學士,碩士及博士學位, 經過十二年英倫的留學及工作生活, 於1997 年 1 月回到香港, 見證了香港回歸祖國。投入香港繁忙的商
業社會,加入麥肯錫公司進身管理顧問行業, 帶領了數間技術公司範圍包括 VoIP/ 集成傳訊系統、網際/網路電子商務方案, 個人數碼助理 (PDA) 系統和遙距教育領域。他曾是 a-connect(中國)首席執行官 (一間顧問資源管理的公司)和他是迪思顧問有限公司的創立者(http://www.decisiveconsulting.com) 。
工餘致力推動平衡生活的重要性及熱衷於建立舊生會,舊同事組織及安排社交節目。非常熱愛旅遊, 戶外活動, 美食, 閱讀及電影。他是休閒網站'停不鳥 Leglessbird.com'的創建者。
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- Value health
- Experience life
- Pursue knowledge
- Help and inspire others
- Protect the Environment
豈能盡如人意, 但求無愧於心 One cannot please everyone, only wish to have no disgrace at heart
Background in brief
I am a Hong Kong Chinese, born and raised in Hong Kong, Cantonese is my mother tongue and thanks to Kiangsu-Chekiang Primary School and Kindergarten, I speak fluent mandarin since the age of 3. I have 2 elder sisters, so I am the kid-brother in the family. My wife is Irene, we got married in July 2004 :-)
I left Hong Kong when I was 14, I studied and worked in Jersey and Cambridge, UK for 12 years. Upon finishing my PhD at Cambridge, I returned to Hong Kong in Jan 1997 and witnessed the important historic event of Hong Kong returning to our motherland. Since my return to Hong Kong, I have been actively organizing many events with friends.
My Hobbies
I love travelling, good food, hiking, movies, reading, hanging out with buddies and making new friends.

Education in brief
I studied in Hong Kong at Kiangsu-Chekiang Primary School & Kindergarten and TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial college, followed by 4-year studies at a UK boarding school called Victoria College, (Jersey, Channel Islands, Great Britain). I was awarded the Queen's Gold Medal for mathematics presented by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II in 1989.
I lived in Cambridge, England from October 1988 to January 1997 and studied at Trinity College, Cambridge University to read Electrical and Information Science. I obtained a BA (Hon.) degree in 1991 and MA in 1994. I did my research with the Signal Processing and Communications Lab., Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, under the supervision of Professor. Rayner, the funding was kindly provided by the Croucher Foundation. I obtained my PhD in 1997.
My Career
My strength lies in networking and business building, my main focuses are business consulting and technology advisory.
- Cambridge University, Trinity College, UK
- Victoria College, Jersey, UK
- Lee Ching Dea Memorial College, Hong Kong
- Kiangsu & Chekiang School, Hong Kong
- Ecole Le Château, Antibes; Accord - Ecole de Langues, Paris; Lyon Bleu Int’l, Lyon, France
- The Yamasa Institute, Okazaki, Japan
- Consulting: Decisive Consulting; McKinsey & Co; a-connect; Booz & Co
- Investment: Dark Horse Investment
- E-learning: Meephone; Englishtown (EF)
- Technology: Connet; SpikeCyberWorks; PiTech; oCen Communications; Cedar Audio
- Honourary Secretary, Metropolitan Lions Club
- Executive Committee, French Alumni Association Hong Kong
- Founder, Leglessbird.com lifestyle community site
- Executive Committee, The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong
- Executive Committee, The Friends of British Council in Hong Kong
- Founder and Director, Cambridge Movies Workshop
- President, Cambridge University Chinese Society
Quick facts about me
- Married to Irene
- Went to boarding school in Jersey, Channel Islands between 14 and 18
- Went backpacking for 1 month in Europe by train with a friend, both were 17 years old at that time
- Visited all 7 continents
- Received a Gold Medal for Mathematics from The Queen Elizabeth II of England
- Stayed in France for 3 months to learn French
- Stayed in Japan for 6 weeks to learn Japanese
- Stayed in Korea for 6 months to work
- Appreciate glacier in Alaska, Switzerland and Greenland
- Appreciate lava field in Iceland and Japan
- Paragliding in Switzerland
- Skiing in Andora, South Korea
- Scube diving in New Zealand, Madives, Philippines, South Korea etc
- Snow-mobiling in Whistler, Aspen
- Snow boarding in Aspen
- Horse riding in Iceland
- Elephant riding in Thailand, Nepal
- Camel riding in Egypt
- Donkey riding in Egypt
- Floated on Dead Sea in Jordan
- Made video movies at University
- PhD, MA, BA from Cambridge University
- Founder of Decisive Consulting Limited
- Founder of Dark Horse Investment Limited
- Founder of Leglessbird Leisure Guide
- Co-founder of Meephone (Distance learning language company)
- Former consultant at McKinsey & Co, global consulting firm
- Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese; Basic French and Japanese
- Executive Committee of The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong
- Director of Metropolitan Lions Club in Hong Kong
- Executive Committee of Internet Professional Association
在瑞士, 阿拉斯加和格陵蘭欣賞冰川
在南極與企鵝, 海豹散步